Latest News

82/61ER (09/17/2020)
In the last several days ship sales have increased dramatically. Mooncrest Industries has been unable to keep up with demand. Loke has also reported unprecedented sales of Seraphs. Mooncrest and Loke came to the conclusion that players are buying PC Variant ships for use by NPC Pilots. This is the logical cause of such a level of sales, given the low number of active players at this time. Loke and Mooncrest would like to point out that NPC ships do not need to have the same module configuration as PC Variant ships. NPC pilots are incapable of using either Warp Drive or Hyperdrive. This also means that their ships can operate effectively using Class 1 Capacitors and Class 1 Reactors; because only the Propulsion system needs to draw motive power. Thus, using PC Variant hips for NPCs is a needles expense.

30/61ER (09/11/2020)
The Flavos Highway Jumpgate Project is now complete. The members of JCA are going to take a break from gate building. The next project will, probably be a link from the main Jumpgate Network to Sol Invictus in the Inner Nine. The search is on for a suitable system to link to. At this time JULIA has been identified as a suitable system. It contains a planet with decent amounts of minerals, Geo 5 and fertility for four Agro products. The search continues for a better system. If you have, or find, an unfinished Planned Jump Gate, please post the details in the Finishing the Flavos Highway thread of the Politics sub-forum of the Offical Forum.

226/58ER (05/22/2020)
The Outlands Gate Project has been abandoned for the time being so that we can work on finishing the Flavos Highway. Progress reports and details of how you can help are in the Unfinished Gates Thread of the Politics sub-forum of the Offical Forum. If you have, or find, an unfinished Planned Jump Gate, please post the details in the Finishing the Flavos Highway thread of the Politics sub-forum of the Offical Forum.

177/58ER (05/15/2020)
There now seem to be some new players who are committed to the game. Still a couple of old vets, but we have new blood.

We are now working on finishing incomplete Planned Jump Gates. Currently, we are working in and around the Outlands system.
If you have, or find, an unfinished Planned Jump Gate, please post the details in the Unfinished Gates Thread of the Politics sub-forum of the Offical Forum.

054/57ER (03/15/2020)
The Price List for Light Modules has been revised.

243/53ER (10/08/2019)
The Price List for Passenger Quarters Modules has been revised.

227/51ER (07/20/2019)
It has been brought to my attention that there was an anomoly in my pricing. Therefore, prices have been changed to remove this anomoly.

227/51ER (07/07/2019)
Fraaggi suggested that I add a method for any player to add their back-story to the website. Actually, you could do this on the forum in the Politics Section. However, gotpurplefleas and I have started an Ascent Archive in Google Docs. Here is the link Ascent Archive Document

045/51ER (06/14/2019)
I have gone as far as I can with the Soil Sample file processor. Files over about 20kb in size take several seconds to process before the output is rendered. If anyone with JS experience can look at my code and suggest a way to improve performance, I would appreciate the feedback. Filtering the data is not an option I can implement at this time. I am still looking at how to do this, though; again, any help would be appreiated.

007/51ER (06/09/2019)
A Soil Sample page has added to the web site. This page will allow you to display the data in Soil Sample Dump files that have previously been created using the 'dump soilsamples' command in the Ship's Computer. This page is under construction still so extra features are in the works.

322/50ER (06/03/2019)
The Hyperump Gate from TC14 to TC15 is complete and all the Iron and Carbon required for the Gate from TC15 to TC14 has been delivered to the Gate site. This leaves only the Gate Modules (PCs and WHGs) to be delivered. Mooncrest Industries are manufacturing all the Superconductor Coils they can to maintain manufacture of these Modules.

298/50ER (05/31/2019)
Though few Pilot Citizens are active at this time, Mooncrest Industries are still active. However, we are concentrating on manufacturing Modules for the Hyperjump Gates. So, production of Starships will be delayed. We have kept one Shipyard free of Jump Gate Modules to manufacture Starship Modules.
The chain of Hyperjump Gates leading 'To the Core', hopefully, now has 14 systems in the chain. The Hyperump Gate from TC14 to TC15 will be completed in the next few days. Work will then start on the TC15 to TC14 Hyperjump Gate. Any player is welcome to help transport Iron and Carbon from the local OSB to the Jump Gate. The task to complete this Jump Gate should be complete within a month or six weeks.